There are many New Year’s resolutions that people make at the beginning…start a diet, exercise more, clean out/organize the closets, and the list goes on. Instead of sticking to the standard this year, make fire safety your top priority!

  • Have a game plan. Your plan of action needs to include a fire escape plan. Make sure everyone in your household knows where the proper exits are in case of fire. There should also be a designated place to meet outside the home, in a safe area.
  • Make sure all fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are working. Smoke detectors should be throughout the house. There should be at least one working smoke detector and carbon detector on every floor of the home.
  • At minimum, mount a fire extinguisher in your kitchen and garage. If you have a workshop in an area like the basement, mount a fire extinguisher there as well. The National Fire Protection Association actually recommends mounting a fire extinguisher on every floor of your home. Any rechargeable fire extinguisher should be serviced every six years. Fire extinguishers with dry chemicals should be shaken periodically to keep chemicals from compacting.
  • Keep battery-powered flashlights in designated areas. Everyone in the home should know where those flashlights are located.
  • Cooking remains the leading cause of fires in homes. Make sure to clean your stove top, oven and the inside of your microwave. Never leave the kitchen will cooking.
  • If you smoke, quitting smoking is always a great new year’s resolution. Smoking is the leading cause of home fire deaths in the U.S. Check ashtrays for burning cigarette butts and never smoke in bed.