Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not answered here please let us know.

Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act

In August 2001, the Illinois legislature passed the Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act (Public Act 92-0432). Similar to other states, Illinois’ Safe Haven law allows a parent to safely relinquish an unharmed infant up to 30 days old, anonymously, without fear of prosecution.

The Channahon Police Department and both Channahon Fire Stations serve as safe havens under the Illinois Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act, which offers a protected legal alternative to unsafe infant abandonment.

There are many new parents who feel they cannot take care of their child and that there is nowhere to turn. The Illinois Abandoned Newborn Infant Protection Act allows parents to relinquish their unharmed infants to staff in safe havens while remaining anonymous and avoiding civil or criminal liability.

An unharmed newborn up to 30 days old may be handed off to a staff member at a hospital, an emergency medical care facility, a staffed police station and/or a staffed fire station with NO QUESTIONS ASKED and NO FEAR OF PROSECUTION.


Channahon Police Department
24555 S Navajo Dr, Channahon, IL 60410

Channahon Fire Station 1
24929 S Center, Channahon, IL 60410

Channahon Fire Station 2
23341 W. McClintock Road, Channahon, IL 60410

Who Should I Call For An Emergency?

Dial 9-1-1 for Emergencies

Who Should I Call For a Non-Emergency?
What Is The District's ISO Public Protection Classification?

The District’s ISO Public Protection Classification (PPC) is: 2

Can I Burn Leaves?
If you choose to burn your leaves, please do so safely.

Leaves can only be burned on private property and burning is not permitted in the right-of-way or on any street. Fires in the right-of-way damage the pavement and are a hazard to pedestrians and the traveling public.

Keep your fire at a manageable size, do not leave fires unattended and avoid burning on windy days.

If a fire gets out of control, call 911 immediately.

Leaves generated on your property may be burned on your property.

As a reminder, the burning of grass clippings, large branches or garbage is prohibited.

Medication Disposal
We do not accept medication or sharps containers.

The medication drop box is meant to collect excess, unwanted or expired pill medications, which helps keep them out of young people’s hands and protects the environment.

The drop box is located in the lobby of the Channahon Police Department, on the north side of the Channahon Municipal Services Center at 24555 S. Navajo Drive.

Please visit the following website for additional medical disposal information:

Household Chemicals Disposal
Sharps Disposal
In Illinois, household containers that are puncture‐proof with a tight‐fitting lid, such as plastic detergent bottles, can be used if heavy duty tape is used to secure the lid to the container. Write the words “Do Not Recycle” on the container with a permanent marker and place in the regular garbage bin. Never place the container in the recycle bin.  Please refrain from using a clear or glass containers.
Fire Extinguisher Disposal
There are many companies in the area that will recharge a spent fire extinguisher.

If you have a small extinguisher, the company may not recharge it. It’s cheaper to buy a new one.

Larger metal fire extinguishers can, if not being recharged, be left for scrap.

Smoke & CO Detector Disposal
Some can be disposed of in the regular trash, some may have to go to a recycling drop off.  Read the instructions on the back of the detector/alarm.
Smoke and CO Detector Installation
If you have purchased new alarms, you can make an appointment for one of the firefighters to help you install them. We can also help with the purchase of a smoke alarm for senior citizens and low income families through Chanooka Wish Foundation.

Visit CWF website at

This does not apply to building managers or builders.

How Often Should I Replace My Smoke or CO Detectors?
It is recommended that smoke alarms be replaced every 10 years and carbon monoxide detectors every 6 years.
Current Fire Code

Please visit our Fire Inspections page for more information

Board-Up Policy
Why do I see a District fire truck/ambulance at the local grocery store?
To ensure the most effective service at the time of an emergency, our crews must remain in/near their designated response territory with their fire trucks during their entire shift. Our crews work 10 and 14-hour shifts with no scheduled breaks, and meals are not provided by the District. Personnel on each shift must purchase their own food and prepare their own meals.

Fire and Medic crews do not have to be sitting in the fire station to be dispatched to a call. Since all District units maintain constant radio contact with Dispatch and the entire crew must always be together with their truck, they are always ready to respond to any emergency, regardless of their current location or non-emergency assignment. Our firefighters and paramedics may often spend long periods of their day running calls, without returning to the station or stopping to eat.

How Can I Get a Copy of a Fire Incident or Medical Incident Report?
Fire Incident Reports

Fire Incident reports can be obtained by property owners from their lawyers or insurance companies, Any other requests are subject to FOIA.

Medical Incident/Ambulance Billing

Does The Fire District Install Smoke Alarms and CO Detectors?
Yes. If you have purchased new alarms, you can make an appointment for one of the firefighters to help you install them. We can also help with the purchase of a smoke alarm for senior citizens and low income families through Chanooka Wish Foundation. Visit CWF website at

This does not apply to building managers or builders.

What Fire District Am I In?
District 1 is everything in Channahon west of I55, East of the Will County line at Bell Road, south of the I&M Canal, and North of the Des Plaines River

District 2 is everything in Channahon east of I55, South of the I&M Canal and North of the Des Plaines River

District 3 is everything in Channahon south of the Des Plaines river, West of I55, North of West Blodgett Road and East of the Will County line at Bell Road

Boundary Map

Can You Tell Me Whom To Call To Have My Chimney Inspected?
Look in the yellow pages or search the internet for a local Chimney Sweep.
Does The Fire District Help Get Cats Down From Trees?
No. Cats eventually climb down on their own when they are hungry or thirsty.